A commitment of intentional prayer with a focus on holding fast to God’s promises. His word does not return void. His promises are sure.
A prayer Bible is a tool of encouragement to pray us through all of life’s ups and downs. From praise to grief, tracing God’s will and hope for our lives by flagging scripture and praying back God’s word to Him is a journey you will never regret spending time on.
On our YouTube channel you’ll find videos about how to get started on making your first prayer Bible, what questions to ask to decide on a list of topics, what resources I love to use, and more! There’s even a 10-week series!
Journaling or wide-margin bibles work best!
Buy them in bulk on Amazon or in curated kit here!
Bible highlighter (no bleed), no smear fine tip gel pen for writing prayers, and a Sharpie for the page flags
Only available here! It's not necessary but it makes it so much easier!
Is this prayer Bible for yourself or someone dear to you? Or perhaps it’s for a stranger but the Lord has put them on your heart in a big way. Identify who it’s for and grab any kind of wide-margin, notetaking, or journaling Bible!
Need help deciding? This site has a quiz to help you find the perfect Bible!
Confused about different Bible translations? Here’s a quick 1 minute video to break it down:
Think about what season they’re in and ask yourself questions like these:
Make a list of different areas of their lives you would like to pray into then narrow your list to 10 topics.
If you need help getting started, here is a link to a downloadable topic list. Here are some examples:
Cancer Warrior
College Bound
Words of Life
Eternal Life
Fear & Anxiety
God’s Presence
Help in Trouble
Fear & Anxiety
Grab your Bible, page flags, Sharpie, & Flag Aligner™, flip to the title page of your Bible, and start adding all 10 flags in a column allowing a little bit to overlap past the page.
There is no wrong or right way to do this! No matter how crooked or straight your flags are, God’s word remains the same.
If you have a Flag Aligner™, use the zero centering ruler on the side to vertically center your page flags, and but all 10 page flags on this page.
Next, write each of your 10 topics on your 10 page flags. Be sure to use a pen or marker designed for writing on transparent sticky notes! I personally love the classic Sharpie.
Now you’re ready to dig into God’s word.
Let the fun begin!
Scriptures are everywhere! But I’m here to encourage you to seek them out within their contexts.
God’s word is vast and bottomless. Dare I say we will never “finish” finding all the scriptures for any given topic, but what we can do is lean into the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
I have used many resources for collecting scripture, but my favorite ones are below.
I’ve started sharing my scripture collection via topical PDF download. You can view them all here!
For this prayer Bible method, the page flags for each topic stay in the same linear line throughout the Bible.
This is where having a Flag Aligner™ comes in handy but it is pretty easy to do it without too, it just takes a little more attention to detail.
Once you’ve found a scripture you love, highlight it. Choose the topic this scripture goes with and grab an associated page flag from your page flag sheet and lay in line with the one you put on the Bible’s title page in step 3.
If you’re using a Flag Aligner™, use the zero centering ruler and place the flag in the associated spot for that topic.
Since the flags aren’t next to the scripture that was highlighted, write the verse address on the page flag.
This is my favorite part! You can write from whatever perspective or voice you wish but I’ll tell you my method of choice.
I write the prayers in the margin but I’ve also used sticky notes. There are no rules! But I do love to date every prayer. It creates a breadcrumb trail for tracking God’s faithfulness.
Rather than writing to the person, I like to draft my prayers to God, from me, on the recipient’s behalf. Much like I would do if I were praying with someone in person.
Simply put, I pray back God’s word to Him. Here are some examples of scripture and a prayer.
Join us as we make a prayer Bible chain across the globe! Share your location and we’ll add a pin to our Prayer Bible Map!
See what real people who are making real prayer Bibles have to say about their experience.
Absolutely! Follow all the steps for topics that are near and dear to your heart and draft a short prayer or reminder about how each scripture is sitting on your heart.
It depends on your commitment level. To flag the Bible without writing prayers, it can take 4 hours using a list of scriptures. Dedicating 2 weeks to a Bible is the quickest I’ve ever completed one that included prayers, and that involved writing in the Bible 2-3 times per day for 30-90 minutes at a time.
I have starter list of topics in the shop that you can download here. You can also use resources such as a concordance, promise book, Thompson Chain Reference Bible, or even Google.
The most important piece is to read scripture in context. Don’t just pick scriptures out as if they’re one-liners. Read the verses surrounding and ask the Lord what He wants you to get from the verse you’re looking at. If you need help getting started, I have many scripture lists available in the shop for purchase.
I am working on a full length e-book that will include all the scriptures and topics I have collected over the last couple years. Unfortunately, there is no ETA on this; I’m on God’s timing!
I use an old school Sharpie ultra fine permanent marker.
My favorite pens are the Uni-Ball Signo 207 Ultra Micro gel pens.
I’ve made an amazon list for all the supplies I use!
Yes you can! I prefer to use any kind of journaling, notetaking, or wide margin Bible. This will give your page flags room to sit without covering any of the words.
Copyright 2024 Selah Way Sisters